Friday, July 22, 2011

England Day 41: Milton Maize Maze

Friday started off crazy but ending up being a fun day. When we got to the youth center, we found out that one of the chinchilla had gotten loose. Not good! So they had a few people looking for it and checking the cameras to see how it got it. Definitely a crazy way to start the day. Then I got to go on the field trip with a few of the groups and we went to a corn maze. I definitely love corn mazes. We used to go to one almost every year when we would go to Wisconsin for family trips. They were always so much fun and could last for hours.

On the way to the maze, I was in the weirdest mode. I sang Disney songs the whole way there, to myself. Not out loud, just to myself. I'm a weird one. lol. When we got to the Milton Maize Maze, we let the kids play on the cars and blowup castles and playhouses. They definitely had a fun time. We then had lunch before going on the tractor ride around the grounds. The guy driving the tractor was definitely a cutie and had the best teeth I've ever seen. So English guys can have nice teeth, Dad! :)

After the tractor ride, we started the maze. It would have been more fun if we could have wandered on our own without a map but we only had a limited amount of time before we had to drive back so we had to stay together. We had a girl in front leading the way for the whole group and after a while of being lost, I was told to go to the front to lead the way since I'm good with directions. Definitely worked a lot better and the group leaders weren't as frustrated. I think the girl that was leading was a helper from the high school and she just wanted to be at the front. But that changed real quick. lol.

When we got back from the field trip, I was giving a break before we had to go to closing. When closing started, each club presented what they did throughout the week and then it was time for cream the counselor. We each choose two kids to go this week, for a total of TWELVE kids creaming counselors. I only had one kid that was going to cream me but I asked if he wanted to cream one who wasn't being creamed. So he switched but another little girl said I had to be creamed too and switched to me so everyone would be creamed. Thought I was gonna get out of it. Oh well. It's lots of fun anyways and the kids love it so I'm happy to do it. :)

After cream the counselor, we headed back to the dorm for a nice relaxing evening at home. Maryanne had another date so the rest of us made dinner and watched some chick flicks, 27 dresses and Grease. Definitely a fun night and nice to sit back and relax. After the movies we realized the internet was down so I decided to go to bed early. I definitely went to bed at 1030 and passed our right away. This week had just been so busy and it was the halfway mark so I felt exhausted. I guess I needed the sleep. :)


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