Wednesday, July 6, 2011

England Day 24: Is that the kid?

Today did not start too well. I woke up to Brittany knocking on my door. For some reason I set my alarm last night but didn't turn it on. I'm so smart. lol. I got up and dressed in 10 minutes and headed downstairs to wait for Brandy. I was lucky she came late cause I had a few extra minutes to grab breakfast. Definitely will remember to set my alarm every night. But I feel a little better that I'm not the only one who has woken up late for work while here. Two other girls have woken up late too. We just need to make sure everyone is up by a certain time. Then we will be good.

After a stressful morning, we went to work to get ready for a 4 day camp week. We started the day with our blitz and then went into club. This week I got to work in string club. I am definitely going to enjoy this club. We plan on making friendship bracelets and sewing. It will be great! We made finger crochets which was fun. The kids taught us how to do it because they learned in youth camp and we wanted to learn how to do it.

After string club, we had lunch and break. We went on break and worked on putting up signs for camp and programming for next week. We also went over all of our activities for the week so we would know what materials we would need. It was a nice relaxing lunch.

When lunch was over, we had to get ready for rotating activities. I got to play in the gym with the kids. We played a game with a parachute called lifeguard. All the kids would sit on the ground with their legs under the parachute and two kids were sharks. The sharks would crawl under the parachute and grab the kids legs and try to drag them under. If they were dragged under, they would becoming sharks too. But there were also two lifeguards that would walk around and save people before they were pulled under. The first group got the game and had fun with it. The second one was okay but the third group had a terrible time listening. I kept asking which kids did not get a chance to be anything, a lifeguard or a shark, and kids would say, "I haven't been a shark" or "I haven't been a lifeguard" when all I asked for was who hadn't been anything at all. I was getting so frustrated because they didn't understand what I wanted or weren't listening to the question. It was quite annoying. lol.

After rotating activities, we went to snack and then free time. During free time, one of the little girls came up to me and asked if I was going on the field trip tomorrow. I told her that I was not. I would be going with them other times. She asked who was going and I told her Maryanne, one of the other counselors. She said, "Is that the kid?" I almost laughed right in her face. It was so funny to hear her say that because all the kids think Maryanne couldn't be a counselor because she looks like a kid, just because she's short. I told Maryanne later and we both just laughed about it. She knows she's short and is proud of it so she was able to laugh it off. I had to tell the girl that she wasn't a kid and that she's actually a counselor. Funny stuff.

When free time was over, we went to closing and then got ready to go to the commissary. We got our groceries and sat in the van to get ready to head back. One of the girls asked our driver about one of the people we work with to see if they were single or not because on of the girls in our group likes someone. It was super funny because we keep poking fun at her and going on about it. She is too cute. lol

After shopping, we went back to our dorm and unloaded all the food. We made the spaghetti bake that one of the staff members had made for us. It was SO good. We then hung around and watched Sword in the Stone before going to bed. I was definitely ready for bed since I had woken up late and couldn't stay awake any longer. So off to bed I went. :)


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