Thursday, July 14, 2011

England Day 30: Cleaning Day

Monday was a very interesting day. Waking up was definitely hard. It had been a long, fun weekend but we definitely had early mornings and late nights so we needed more sleep. I was definitely beat the whole day. This week Shekka will be in Wales for a field trip and we're all a little jealous. Although she has been missing out on a lot of things that went on, as you'll see in my blogs, when I get around to writing them all. :)

This weeks theme was Magical Myths and Ancient Adventures which Maryanne and I programmed. It's definitely focused on Harry Potter since the movie comes out at the end of the week. We were both very excited to plan this week. We started off with a fun blitz to wake us up a little and then went into clubs. This week I was in Hermione's Craft Club. We started the with origami broomsticks and Snitches. The kids LOVED it, and they listened so well. It was a really fun craft for them.

After craft club we had lunch and break. When we got back, I was in a rotating activity where the kids got to make color Harry Potter bookmarks. They had a lot of fun with that as well and I liked making them too. :) When rotating activities were done, we had free play and closing before heading home.

When we got home, we decided that the mouse situation had to stop and we needed to clean up. So we first moved all of our food to another part of the kitchen and cleaned out all the shelves. After that, we divided cleaning jobs up. I was in the day room cleaning up the table and vacuuming, two were in the bathroom, and two were in the kitchen defrosting the freezer and cleaning some dishes and the counters. While I worked, I decided to rearrange the room so that it would be more open and a little cozier. It looks really cute now and has a lot more space. And it's so clean!

When cleaning was over, we made dinner and put in a Harry Potter movie. I definitely had a hard time watching the whole movie and went to bed before it was over. I had to get to sleep and couldn't keep my eyes open. It was definitely a good day and we all feel a lot better living here now that it is super clean and tidy. Gonna be a good week.


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