Wednesday, August 10, 2011

England Day 60: A night of luxury with Brandy. She is too good to us.

Wednesday was a much better day than yesterday. Those kids were off the wall but they did so much better today. It made blitz so much better and the kids seemed to have more fun. We then had clubs and I got to go to the CDC with the preteen kids. It was amazing! The kids did such a great job with the little kids. They read to the little kids and did an amazing job! It was the quietest I’ve ever heard the preteeners. It was like they were shy in front of the kids, but they did a really amazing job. I was so proud of them.

When I got back from the CDC, I got to take my lunch and break. It was of course productive as well as relaxing. After that, I went to the gym for rotating activities. I ran a game called What time is it, Mr. Fox. The fox stand at one end of the gym and everyone else is at the other end. The kids at the other end yell, “What time is it, Mr. Fox?” Then the fox yells back a time like 5 o’clock. The kids at the other end take five steps and then ask the question again. When they get closer, the fox will say LUNCHTIME and then chase the kids back to the line while trying to tag them. If they are tagged, they join the fox in trying to catch people. The kids had a fun time playing. They were so cute to watch. Lol.

We then went to free time and I heard over the walkie that I was going outside. I definitely threw a fit on the couch and Ms. Michelle just laughed at me and said, “Are you throwing a tantrum?” Yep. I was. And she told the hallway, Mr. John, that I was throwing tantrums. I went to the hall to fill my water bottle and he just looked at me and laughed and said, “You really threw a tantrum.” Yes. Yes I did. Lol. He also thought it was funny. They all of course knew it was fake because I really don’t mind where I go but it was just funny to do. Lol.

After free time outside and closing, the girls and I changed for our date with Brandy! Brandy decided to take us out to get pedicures and to dinner. It was the best night ever. We went to the nail place and got pampered and got our feet taken care of. It was so nice having a relaxing day away from the stress of working and programming. When our nails were done, we drove to Brandon and went to dinner at Jean Paul’s Italian Restaurant. The dinner was amazing! I had Chicken Roma with a salad and bread. For dessert, we got apple crumble with ice cream. SO GOOD! Brandy is too good to us. She paid for everything. Nails and dinner. We planned on paying but she wouldn’t let us. She spoils us too much. When we told her she spoils us she said that since she doesn’t have kids, she has to spoil someone. Too cute! Lol.

After dinner, Brandy dropped us off and we finished off our relaxing day watching movies and blogging. It was a wonderful day! Couldn’t have asked for more. :)


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